Description Hendi Fire paste for Chafing Dish - 200 grams - 24 pieces
Burns soot and odor free

Hendi Burning paste is made of natural (bio) ethanol alcohol mixed with water and a thickener. Fire paste is artificially made so bitter that it cannot be swallowed. To heat chafing dishes (hot containers) you need special burning paste holders. The burning time is about 3 hours.
- 200 Gram cans only suitable for chafing dishes
- Burning time: 3 hours per can
- Per 24 cans
Fire paste is a mixture of ethanol alcohol, mixed water and a thickener. Hendi Fire paste cannot be swallowed because it is artificially made very bitter.
The cartouches and cans get hot very quickly and therefore should always be placed in a fuel paste holder to prevent fire hazard! In addition, it is also important that there are no fire or heat sources in the vicinity.
You can light the fuel paste when the cans in the fuel holders are in their final position. Also, no (condensation) water should get into the burning paste as this can cause dangerous splashes. Extinguish the fuel only with the lid of the fuel holder.
To refill the fuel, the canister and holder must be completely cool. Then remove the canister from the holder so that no burning gel gets onto the holder. Then remove the drippings immediately with an old cloth. Fire paste should always be stored in a sealed container in a dark, well-ventilated room cooler than 20 degrees.